The 400 calorie omelet

This tastes so good, fills me up, and tallies up to a mere 400 calories.


  • 2/3 c. Egg Beaters
  • 4 oz. mixed veggie (frozen)
  • 1/4 cup cooked lentils
  • 1/4 shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup chunky salsa
  • 1/4 cup whole yogurt

Cook the lentils in advance or wash the same amount of canned beans. Sauté the veggies, then lentils in olive oil or Pam. Set aside if needed. Pour the eggs into the omelet pan, on a medium high heat. After a minute, Sprinkle cheese all around the omelet. After the eggs bubble through. Pour the veggie and bean mix on one half of the omelet. Food the other half over. Serve with 1/4 cup chunky salsa and 1/4 cup whole yogurt.

That’s super tasty at just under 400 calories.
