9 habits for writing every day

If you want to be a writer, or improve your writing, or reach a wider audience, you have to write. Here are 9 habits that helped me learn how to write every day.

  • Be physically comfortable: Get a good chair and desk. I prefer a lap desk for typing with a Bluetooth keyboard. If you can look up, ahead, instead of down, I think that’s even better. It’s easy if you have a notebook or a laptop, or even a tablet or a phone – just prop it up high so you don’t have to hunch over. I like to write in different locations, but I can usually set up a pretty comfortable arrangement with just a chair or a stool, and some kind of desk for the keyboard.
  • Water, nearby: Writing is thirsty work. I also like coffee or tea, but I keep it simple. Writing can be a time to recharge. I recharge my devices (phone, tablet, laptop) when I’m writing so I’m ready to write later. Same with staying hydrated
  • Follow a schedule, even if it’s just deciding to stand up from writing every half hour. When I want to be productive, I use a pomodoro timer to schedule breaks. I can stay very focused, almost regardless of my environment, when I schedule breaks every 25 min. Taking breaks or resting is equally important to actually writing. Find the time of day that’s best for you to both write, and rest. I like to write in the morning, but everyone is different. Sometimes I write just before I go to sleep.
  • Write every day. Honestly, if you just carry a little spiral notebook and write something in that every day, if it’s even just the date and the time, well, you’ve written every day. Build the habit from the simplest, most basic action.
  • Track your writing, Save it somewhere safe, and even private. Count it out. How many words? How much time did you spend actually writing? Tracking how much you write now will help you write more in the future. Simple information is useful. How many words did you write? Did you write a few minutes, or a couple of hours? Learn from what works and what doesn’t.
  • Give yourself some time to just write, even if it’s garbage. Some people set a timer. I shoot for 750 words a day where I just don’t care what I write, as long as I’m moving the cursor. Sometimes it is garbage, but I don’t care. Once in a while, I stumble on something that’s worth exploring. But, for just a few minutes a day (maybe 20 or so) just tell the editor part of your to take a break, and just write.
  • Separate writing from editing: It was probably different when everyone had to use quill pens, but now, it’s easy to produce words, a valuable skill in its own right. Create, then edit later. Maybe even much later – that’s one of the great things about writing. You can pick it up later. Just keep producing.
  • Write about what you learn: If I learn something new, I figure it’s a good day. If I want to remember what I learn, I write about it — that’s even better. Even if no one else ever reads my notes, I wrote it out and that helps me figure all kinds of things out.
  • Remember that you can’t edit until you write, and you shouldn’t publish without editing. So it all starts with the writing. Get the habit of writing first. Only after you’ve written something, every day, should you try to edit and re-arrange.

You don’t have to do all of these things, all of the time. Instead, try to focus on building and installing one habit at a time. A habit is something you do automatically without having to think about it. If you make writing a habit, then you’ll write, a lot!

Do you know how many words you already write each day? If you’re spending time online, chatting and emailing, you probably generate a lot of words. If you count the total number of words you produce every day, you might be surprised. I keep an editor window open all the time, and I just paste my daily writing in that window.

If you don’t have to write for work, write for yourself. Maybe even have fun, or vent. But the most important thing is to write, even if it’s just for a minute or two.

What are the habits you cultivated to help you write every day? Add a comment below: