Vacation Time

I’ve been extremely busy this week, but also quite successful in hiring contractors to staff up my big project so I can relax during my vacation, knowing that work is proceeding while I am able to take a well-deserved break.

I’m pleased to say that I’ve achieved two of my biggest goals for the recent three-month period:

  1. I’ve made incredible progress in outsourcing work so I can focus on the most important tasks in running my business.
  2. I am taking time off from work for two weeks in a row — although I won’t be able to take two entire consecutive weeks off.  that’s mostly a result of some family commitments, although it looks like I also need to sneak in at least one day of work every two weeks to keep everything on track.

Still, that’s a big improvement over two years ago, when I couldn’t even take an entire week off during the summer.

Identifying the big vacation as a goal has really helped me focus on doing what’s important for my business and my personal life. Plus, obviously that’s a goal I can get excited about: having fun while my company is generating revenue.

The vacation plans include heading out into the woods so I will be hard-pressed to find Internet access. I’m not bringing a laptop or any work with me either. I am bringing my Treo, as I always do, and I will probably Twitter  a bit while I’m away. If I really get my act together, maybe I can even forward my calls to my virtual assistant.