Long Form: The Real Crisis of US Election Security

As part of my Web Traffic Project: TrustTheVote.org project, I’ve been posting new articles on TrustTheVote.org to increase traffic to this non-profit’s website.

I just posted my longest article yet, The Real Crisis of US Election Security, where I examine the long-standing problems with the US voting system’s security and integrity, our vulnerabilities to cyberattack, and some remedies we can pursue to preserve the integrity of our elections.

I worked hard to keep the article non-partisan, since I think that the security and integrity of our election systems is the most non-partisan issue I can imagine these days. I’d like to hear what you think! Please check out  The Real Crisis of US Election Security, or any of the other articles I’ve posted to TrustTheVote.org recently, and leave a comment if you like.