Texas UFOs

ET finally arrives? But no photos. More on Texas UFOs – Google News. Either this is one amazing media hack, or something is … out there.

Are they high? Texas UFO Sightings Blamed on DEA, says AXcess News. From more mainstream sources: Was It a UFO in Stephenville? An Offbeat Poll in the Washington Post, but relegated to the “Offbeat” section. There’s MSNBC Video from the Today Show, which includes very convincing testimonials from the county constable, a local reporter, some local dude in the woods.

More video, with many of the same clips: YouTube – CNN covers Stephenville Texas U.F.O. Sighting, or here’s The Raw Story | Witnesses claim F-16s chased flying saucer across Texas skies.

The Mutual UFO Network – MUFON – Dedicated to Scientific Study of UFOs is on the case.

Digg: Search for “texas ufo, dugg here by me (w/ comment): Digg – Large U.F.O. spotted in Texas
Diggs are low.